Reaping the benefits of an inclusive culture

Reaping the benefits of an inclusive culture

Every company has its own organizational culture and in a global working atmosphere, people from different ethnic backgrounds represent the working ethos of the company. The creation of an inclusive and an integrated organizational culture holds the key for the successful growth of the company.


An organisation's culture refers to omnipresent beliefs, attitudes and values that characterise the essence behind a company and its practices. The corporate culture practiced by a company is usually expressed through its vision or mission statement. No two businesses are the same, so it is natural for different companies to follow different organisational culture.


Even within the same organisation, diversity is bound to exist between different employees. Finding a way to seamlessly integrate this diversity into the organisation through demonstrative goals and practices will ensure that people from different backgrounds are treated equally and welcomed without any preconceptions or biases.


Unlocking diversity and imbibing an inclusive culture


Many businesses now appreciate the fact that while diversity hols the key to an organisation's success, this factor on its own adds very little value. In some cases, it may create more intensified challenges and risks than before. Creating an inclusive organisational culture will unlock diversity productively to help people harness their different ideas and innovations for benefitting the overall goals of the company. By integrating diversity into the organisational culture, companies will reap the benefits of better productivity, profitability and return on investment.


It is a well-known fact that satisfied employees tend to remain more loyal to a company, irrespective of the salary they earn. Inclusive cultures focus on empowering values to promote healthy discussions, open mindedness, non-judgmental attitudes and appreciation of new perspectives to bring a heightened level of work satisfaction.


Loyalty is proportional to productivity


When every employee feels that his or her opinion is valued and taken seriously, irrespective of background or culture, this employee is likely to remain loyal to the company for longer. Higher employee loyalty translates into lower attrition rates, which boosts productivity and profitability within the company. Time and again, studies have shown that inclusive organisational culture is more likely to retain employees than high salaries and perks.


Creating an inclusive culture requires organisations to state emphatic cultural components and work towards addressing open and inclusive behaviour among all employees. Opening up channels of communication between managers and employees will promote healthy exchanges where diversity is celebrated and not feared.


An inclusive culture should include a bevy of tangible elements, like fair treatment of all employees, appreciation of diversity, respect for individual contributions and equal opportunities for all employees to reach their full potential. Organisations should also adhere to the principle of multiculturalism by integrating diversity into their internal policies. This will promote inclusiveness for employees of all cultures and backgrounds within the organisation by creating an environment of cohesiveness and acceptance.


An organisation's competitiveness and success are dependent on its capacity for embracing and realising the benefits of diversity. When an organisation actively handles workplace diversity by implementing diversity plans and inclusive cultures, it will witness a huge leap forward in retaining loyal employees.


Employees from different backgrounds bring their own experiences and talents, which can help a company adapt better to changes in customer demands and fluctuating markets. Embracing this diversity showcases the organisation's commitment to retaining a loyal workforce, where the needs and desires of employees are well met within an inclusive organisational framework.


The managerial role


HR managers and business leaders must find a way to promote an inclusive culture with a strong focus on meeting the needs of a diverse range of employees. This can only be met through open channels of communication, pathways for two-way dialogue, team exercises and continuous training programs. Inclusiveness and diversity within a workplace is best nurtured in an open environment where mistakes should be utilised for learning, instead of embarrassing people.


When a diverse workforce feels included through communication, learning and training, it breeds the opportunity to bring more experiences and ideas to the table. The organisation can then draw from this diverse pool to create inclusive business strategies that make employees feel more valued, and in turn, more productive. A more productive workforce will have a profoundly positive impact on the company's bottom line.


Finding employees that believe in the core values of an organisation is not an easy task, but it is certainly not impossible, provided companies use proper channels of training and communication to meet their overall business goals. Companies that embrace diversity and inclusiveness inspire employees to perform to the best of their abilities.


Diversity training and team bonding sessions should be important parts of any company's strategy plan to foster an inclusive organisational culture. They help people increase their awareness and sensitivity towards issues related to diversity at the workplace. Diversity training also empowers employees with a set of new skills that enable them to deal more effectively with workplace differences. These strategies must be implemented effectively to help inclusiveness permeate through every function and department within the organisation. Companies like Viztar International provide tailor-made training solutions to help companies foster inclusiveness and diversity in their corporate environments.



As economies become increasingly global, it's clear that workforces are becoming gradually diverse. The eventual success and competitiveness of an organisation will depend on its ability to manage diversity by promoting an inclusive culture. Organisational leaders must play a pivotal role in setting the tone for a paradigm shift towards diversity, acceptance and inclusiveness within its corporate culture.




Sachin Adhikari is the Chief Mentor of Viztar International. A social entrepreneur, thinker, an author and a mentor, he has developed values & principle based revolutionary human transformation models to reach to the masses. He founded the company in 2007 which since then has witnessed phenomenal growth in the recent years. He is the Founder & Managing Trustee of Global Success Foundation and on the board of several other companies.


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